
臺大佛學研究 THCI

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篇名 天臺宗教觀思想體系及其對應關係--兼論化法四教之關係
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Ideological System and Its Inside Corresponding Relationship of T'ien-t'ai Buddhism
作者 林志欽
頁次 49-117
關鍵字 天臺思想體系化儀四教五時化法四教三種止觀Ideological system of T'ien-t'ai buddhismFour teachings of teaching wayFive periods of teaching timeFour teachings of teaching contentsThree kinds of contemplationTHCI
出刊日期 200906








The ideological system of T’ien-t’ai Buddhism was established by Master Chih-I (智顗538-597). I had built a wholly integrated ideological system of T’ien-t’ai Buddhism by unifying Chih-I’s theories in my earlier papers. The aim of this paper is to research the contents and their corresponding relations between fundamental elements of the ideological system. This paper also explains the elements of “Gradual Way of Samadhi and Contemplation”(漸次止觀) and it’s relationship with Perfect-teaching ( 圓教) and Separate-teaching(別教). The latter one is an important thesis in T’ien-t’ai Buddhism study.

The achievements of this paper are as follows:
a. The meaning of “Four Teachings of Teaching Way”(化儀四教)and “Five Periods of Teaching Time”(五時) from the point of view of “Separation of Scriptures”(教部) should be taken away, but the meaning of them from the point of view of “Characteristics of Teaching”(教相) should be kept. The reason of why should take away the meaning is not because Chih-I didn’t maintain the viewpoint of time meaning of “Five Periods of Teaching Time”, but because it has already verified for not according with the historical facts and it is not necessary for theory of T’ien-t’ai Buddhism. Taking away the meaning will not influence the integrity of the ideological system; on the contrary, it will make the ideological system more proper and consistent. Furthermore, “Four Teachings of Teaching Way” are not totally wrong. They stand with the meaning of “characteristics of
teaching” and they possess important meaning and value as “Four Siddhanta”(四悉檀).

b. There are four major elements of the ideological system of T’ien-t’ai Buddhism. They are “Four Teachings of Teaching Way”(化儀四教)and “Four Teachings of Teaching Contents”(化法四教) in aspect of teaching , “Four Ways of Practice of Contemplation”(化儀四觀) and “Four kinds of Contemplation”(化法四觀) in aspect of practice. This paper deduces the six corresponding relationship between these four major elements and combines them into one. By this way, we can find out that the ideological system of T’ien-t’ai Buddhism is wholly consistent and it will help us more exhaustively understanding of the system.

c. This paper also explains the concrete contents of practice of “Four Ways of Practice of Contemplation” which involve “Perfect and Immediate Way of Samadhi and Contemplation ”(圓頓止觀),“Gradual Way of Samadhi and Contemplation” ( 漸次止觀) , “Indefinite Way of Samadhi and Contemplation”(不定止觀) and “Secret Way of Samadhi and Contemplation”(祕密止觀). Besides, they are proved again that “Gradual Way of Samadhi and
Contemplation” belongs to “Ways of Practice of Contemplation”(觀門化儀), and it means gradual practice from “Contemplation of Tripitaka Teaching”(藏教觀), “Contemplation of Universal-teaching” (通教觀), “Contemplation of Separate-teaching”(別教觀)to “Contemplation of Perfect-teaching”(圓教觀), instead of merely being equal to “Contemplation of Perfect-teaching”(i.e. “Threefold Contemplation in one single Mind” 一心三觀). So the opinion advocated by Zhan-ran(湛然711-782), Zhi-xu(智旭 1599-1655) and some modern scholars that “Gradual Way of Samadhi and Contemplation” belongs to “Perfect-teaching” ( 圓教) or
“Contemplation of Perfect-teaching” is not right. It is really true that
“Gradual Way of Samadhi and Contemplation” includes “Contemplation of Perfect-teaching”.

d. In addition, this paper declares that T’ien-t’ai Buddhism preaches not only “Perfect-teaching”, but also all other teachings. Those who are taught by “Perfect-teaching” are only good or matured “roots of practice”(根機). This paper also discusses the distinctions and relations between each teachings of “Four Teachings of Teaching Contents”.
