
臺大佛學研究 THCI

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篇名 吉藏解經的基本立場及其主要方法
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Primary Standpoint and Approaches of Chi-Tsang's Interpretation of the Buddhist Sutras
作者 簡凱廷
頁次 119-178
關鍵字 吉藏無所得自性相待假因病設藥Chi-TsangWu Suo TeTzu ShingShiang Tai ChiaYin Bing She YaoTHCI
出刊日期 200906




In the era that Chi-Tsang lived, the sutras influencing Chinese traditional Buddhism had been translated and spread around. However, from the viewpoints of contemporary scholars, these Mahayana sutras embraced by traditional monks are divergent from each other in thoughts. Chi-Tsang’s abundant interpretation writings involved with most of the important sutras at that time, implying that behind the writings Chi-Tsang possessed his own fundamental principle to the sutras and the exegetical approaches developed from the principle in order to include and conduct the somewhat different sutras in one system. Discussing the fundamental attitude and premise of Chi-Tsang’s interpretation as well as the two exegetical methods—“Yin Bing She Yao, Bing Chu Yao Shiao”(因病設藥,病除藥消) and “Tzu Shing Chi Tui Tzu Shing Te Yin Yuan,”(自性及對自性的因緣) this study attempts to indicate that the “Yu Suo Te” (無所得)and the “Wu Suo Te”(有所得) of Chi-Tsang’s theory represent the two attitudes assumed, from the angles of “Ontology” and “Soteriology” respectively, to use and understand human language. The exegetical establishment of “Yin Bing She Yao, Bing Chu Yao Shiao”(因病設藥,病除藥消) was based on the standpoint of “ Soteriology” and pointed out that Buddha’s teaching preached in the sutras via human language is the medicine to the particular illness “Chih-Chien”(執見) but not the claim of “truth” based on the scope of “Ontology.” Last and also of more importance, Chi-Tsang’s
considering himself a part of “Wu Suo Te”(無所得) suggests that the
exegetical approaches discussed in this study can also be applied to
understand Chi-Tsang’s use of human language.
