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篇名 口服抗菌藥水(白藥水)後引發急性肺水腫:病例報告
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 Acute Pulmonary Edema Following Ingestion of an Antiseptic Solution Containing Naphazoline: A Case Report
作者 林坤辰邱垂祥
頁次 16-20
關鍵字 naphazolineantiseptic solutionacute pulmonary edema急性肺水腫萘甲唑啉急救用抗菌藥水TSCI
出刊日期 201103


我們在此報告一位八十歲女性患者,故意喝下自藥水,隨後引發高血壓、急性肺水腫以及呼吸衰竭,並且導致插管。在住院第四天胸部X光顯示肺水腫已經緩解,隨後成功拔除氣管內管。這個抗菌藥水包含萘甲唑啉(naphazoline)這種成份,它是imidazoline的衍生物並且具有alpha腎上腺素的作用,我們推論荼甲日坐咻會引起密 集的血管收縮,因此造成高血壓以及肺水腫。總之,我們呈獻一個少見的中毒病例,並且想要提醒急診醫師:


We report an 80-year-old woman who intentionally drank an antiseptic solution, with subsequent hypertension, acute pulmonary edema and respiratory failure requiring intubation. On the fourth hospital day, chest radiography showed resolution of pulmonary edema and she was extubated successfully. This antiseptic solution contained naphazoline, an imidazoline derivative with alpha adrenergic effects. We speculate that naphazoline induces intense vasoconstriction and thereby causes hypertension and pulmonary edema. In summary, we present a case of a rare toxicity and would like to remind emergency physicians that acute pulmonary edema can be caused by over-the-counter drugs.
