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篇名 應用語音增強法及類神經技術於音樂資料庫之分類
卷期 8
並列篇名 Application of speech enhancement and neural network technique for music classification in multimedia system
作者 吳建達鍾丞韋
頁次 61-73
關鍵字 廣義回歸類神經歌者辨識頻譜減法Generalize regression neural networkSinger identificationectral subtraction
出刊日期 201105




This paper presents a study of a singer identification system using the signal spectral subtraction enhancement technique and artificial neural network. Signal spectral subtraction enhancement is a signal processing technique widely used for eliminating the background noise from sound signals. In the present study, the spectral subtraction technique is applied to the singer signal enhancement with background music. To compare the proposed speech enhancement algorithm, spectral subtraction, multi-band spectral subtraction and non-linear spectral subtraction are used and compared in the experimental investigation. In the signal classification stage, the post-processing features of signals are used as input information to generalize a regression neural network (GRNN) classifier for singer identification. The experimental result indicates the proposed singer identification is effective and has satisfactory performance.
