
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Intradural Spinal Schwannoma Showing Focal FDG Hpermetabolism in Spinal Canal in a Breast Cancer Patient
卷期 25:1
作者 Ya-Chin TsaiChin-Ho KuoDom-Gene TuI-Li Lin
頁次 44-46
關鍵字 breast cancerFDG PET/CTintradural extramedullary spinal tumorschwannomaspinal canal
出刊日期 201203



A 46-year-old female breast cancer patient reeived FDG PET/CT scan for preoperative survey. In addition to the hypermetabolism in the known left breast cancerous lesion, there was also a moderate hypermetabolic spot in the T3-level spinal canal. She denied neither upper back pain nor any neurological deficits. Following MRI showed a 2cm intradural extramedullary homogenous enhancing nodule in T3-level spinal canal, deviating thoracic cord to the right. She received laminectomy for surgical removal and tissue proof of the spinal canal lesion, with athology reveling schwannoma.
