
調查研究-方法與應用 TSSCI

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篇名 Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative Case Study Research
卷期 15
並列篇名 論質性個案研究的優缺點
作者 謝至恩
頁次 87-116
關鍵字 個案研究質性研究研究方法Case StudyQualitative ResearchResearch MethodTSSCI
出刊日期 200404




Whether case study research is a legitimate form of research, or merely a focus of research, remains controversial. However, despite the controversies, case study research is still widely used by researchers in various disciplines and academic fields. This suggests that there are strengths of this approach which cannot be ignored. The major concern of this paper is the qualitative single case study. The controversial aspects, inc1uding sampling, data collection, analysis,generalization, reliability and validity, of this type of case study are addressed.
