
調查研究-方法與應用 TSSCI

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篇名 有無僱用外勞廠商之間和勞雇之間對外勞引進影響的認知差異:高雄縣製造業廠商與本勞的問卷調查分析
卷期 24
並列篇名 Perception Differentials about the Impact of Hiring Foreign Workers between Enterprises with and Without Foreign Workers and between Employers and Employees: A Survey Analysis of Enterprises and Employees in the Manufacturing Industry of Kaohsiung County?
作者 藍科正
頁次 43-89
關鍵字 外勞影響的認知產業升級本勞就業消費治安和衛生防疫perception about the impact of hiring foreign workersindustrial upgradationnatives' employmentconsumptionpublic order and public healthTSSCI
出刊日期 201010




This article surveys 200 employers and 189 natives in enterprises which hire foreign workers and 141 employers and 110 natives in enterprises which do not hire foreign workers in the manufacturing industry of Kaohsiung County to explore their perception about the impact of hiring foreign workers. The major results reveal that whether enterprises hire foreign workers or not and between employers and employees of enterprises which hire foreign workers have perception differentials in most indicators of industrial upgradation, natives' employment, consumption, public order and public health.
