
調查研究-方法與應用 TSSCI

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篇名 德菲法與模糊德菲法之比較研究
卷期 21
並列篇名 A Study Comparing the Delphi Method and Fuzzy Delphi Method
作者 葉晉嘉翁興利吳濟華
頁次 31-58
關鍵字 模糊問卷模糊德菲法隸屬度曼惠特尼檢定專家共識區間Fuzzy QuestionnaireFuzzy DelphiMembership Degree Mann-Whitney testExpert Consensus RangeTSSCI
出刊日期 200704




The aim of this research is to compare the different results from Delphi and Fuzzy Delphi method in order to suggest the better one for the following researchers of policy studies. Delphi method is the most widespread research method used in policy studies. This method systemizes complex issues from repeated feedback of questionnaire which is based on experts' knowledge. In the past different researches were conducted to revised the deficiencies of Delphi process, for example, information missing, expert quit, and fuzzy linguistic. Fuzzy Delphi is one of these researches to solve problems of Delphi method. There are different approaches of Fuzzy Delphi process. The most often used one is getting crisp value from questionnaire and analyzing these data by fuzzy algorithms. However, this approach still exists some problems such as information missing, complicate calculation steps, and presumption of the type of membership function. In this research the authors use the membership functions drawn by experts and adopt the Mann-Whitney test to examine the expert consensus both from Delphi and Fuzzy Delphi. The authors find that the convergence range of the Fuzzy Delphi is better than that of Delphi. The result also shows that Fuzzy Delphi can keep more complete information and deal with fuzzy linguistic.
