
調查研究-方法與應用 TSSCI

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篇名 竹東及朴子兩地區肥胖直接成本之估計:疾病成本法
卷期 20
並列篇名 Estimating the Direct Medical Costs of Obesity in the Chu-Dong and Pu-Chi Areas of Taiwan Using the Cost of Illness Approaches
作者 傅祖壇溫祖康潘文涵張新儀
頁次 7-43
關鍵字 肥胖疾病成本法群體歸因風險台灣Obesitycost of illnessPopulation Attribution RiskTaiwanTSSCI
出刊日期 200610




Adopting the approach of cost of illness, this research develops alternative Population Attribution Risk (PAR) models and uses the CVDFACTS and national health insurance data of Taiwan to empirically estimate a prevalence-based medical cost of obesity for samples in Chu-Dong and Pu-Chi townships of Taiwan. The impacts of obesity on metabolic syndrome related coronary heart disease, ischemic heart disease, hypertensive disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia are studied. Medical expenses of the above mentioned diseases in the national health insurance data are used for estimation. Results indicate (1) The prevalence rates of those obesity related cardiovascular diseases for obese samples are higher than those for normal samples, (2) the estimated yearly costs of obesity for our samples, varied by obesity definitions, are 29,700,000 NT$ (for obesity BMI>24), 12,180,000 NT$ (for obesity=BMI>27) and 4,490,000 NT$ (for obesity=BMI>30) by the proposed single-factor PAR model, (3) the proposed multi-factor (group-factor) PAR model can provide a cost estimate which is about 20% (or 50℃) lower than that from the single-factor PAR model.
