
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Performance Evaluation of the Triumph SPECT Small-Animal Imaging System
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Triumph微型小動物單光子射出電腦斷層系統性能表現評估
作者 陳金財劉仁賢陳志成
頁次 068-075
關鍵字 linearitymicroSPECTspatial resolutionuniformity線性度微型單光子射出電腦斷層空間解析度均勻度
出刊日期 201206


Triumph SPECT是以半導體材料(鋪、錚和皇太)取代了傳統的閃爍晶體做為γ射線的偵測器,應用於分子生物醫 學影像及核子醫學藥物開發的研究用途。本研究主要是針對小動物三合一微型分子影像系統(microSPECT/PET/CT)的子系統:微型單光子射出電腦斷層系統(microSPECT)進行性能表現的評估(performance eva1uation)測試。
在使用容計管測試下的空間解析度最好可以達到0.91mm。使用三組平行孔準值儀以最極限的旋轉半徑(120 mm)下的靈敏度測試結果為3097.41 cps/MBq/m1 ;單針孔準值儀在30mm的旋轉半徑下的靈敏度則為409.13cps/MBq/m1。線性度在使用0.5mm孔徑的單針孔準值儀的線性回歸值為0.99。三組γ偵測器的積分均句度(integra1 uniformity)和微分均句度(differentia1 uniformity)分別為:第一組是4.93%和4.48% ;第二組是5.54%和4.48%;第三組是5.07%和3.85%。物裡假體空間解析度的測試結果:0.5mm孔徑的單針孔準值儀可區分1.0mm的熱點(hot spot) ; 1.0 mm孔徑的多針孔準值儀,不管是小鼠和大鼠使用的,都只能區分到1.75 mm的熱點。動物造影的影像結果: 1-123 IBZM小鼠造影能清楚的看到腦中的多巴胺神經受體(dopamine D2 receptor)分布情況; Tc-99mMDP小鼠骨儲造影也 能清楚的看到小鼠頭蓋骨、胸骨、脊椎骨、骨盆骨等部分。


Background: Triumph SPECT system utilizes the CZT (Cadmium, Zinc and Telluride) semiconductor detector to replace the traditional Nal(TI) scintillation detectors for gamma-ray detection. It's usually proposed in molecular biology and drug development imaging research. The aim of this work was to evaluate the initial performance of a small animal molecular imaging system of micro-single photon emission computed tomography subsystem (microSPECT).
Method: The SPECT spatial resolution was evaluated by using multiple line source and equipped with a single pinhole collimator with the aperture size of 0.5 mm. The system sensitivity was measured by using a point source to evaluate both of parallel-hole and single pinhole collimator based SPECT. Then, the spatial linearity of the single pinhole collimator based SPECT was measured by different radio-concentration of Tc-99m solution. The integral and differential uniformity were measured with a point source placed at the center of the FOV. An ultra-micro hot spot phantom was scanned with single pinhole and multiple-pinhole SPECT.
Results: The spatial resolution measured with a line source and at a radius of rotation (ROR) of 30 mm was 0.91 mm full width half maximum (FWHM). The sensitivity of three sets of detectors using parallel-hole collimator at a ROR of 120 mm was 984.04, 1063.45 and 1049.91 cps/MBq/ml. The sensitivity that equipped with 0.5 mm pinhole aperture at a ROR of 30 mm was 83.5, 160.12 and 165.51 cps/MBq/ml. The spatial linearity of 0.5 mm pinhole aperture performed a significant correlation coefficient of r = 0.990. The integral and differential uniformity among three sets of CZT detectors were 4.93% and 4.48%, and 5.54% and 4.48%, and 5.07% and 3.85%, respectively. The single pinhole collimator with 0.5 mm aperture could separate clearly the 1.00 mm hot spots. However, multiple pinhole collimator equipped with 1.0 mm ape吋ure could only distinguish 1.75 mm hot spots.
Conclusion: According to our results, the micro-single photon emission computed tomography subsystem (microSPECT) is suitable for in vivo small animal molecular imaging research.
