
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 The Experience of Quality Management System Establishment for TSGH PET Radiotracer Production Facility
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 正子製藥設施之品質系統建立經驗
作者 彭啟鈞徐立凡鄭澄意諶鴻遠
頁次 076-083
關鍵字 Quality management systemPET radioisotopes正子放射同位素品質管理系統
出刊日期 201206


品質管理系統的著墨甚少。2009年底,美國FDA依據21CFR212法規制訂並公告Guidance-PET Drugs CGMP ,明訂各生產設施應建立品質保證(qualityassurance)系統之要求。因應衛生署要求及此國際趨勢,三軍總醫院正子中心亦開始著手建立品質管理系統。因受編制人力、專業背景等主客觀因素影響,晶質管理系統建立過程中實際面臨不少困難及相當大之壓力。


The "Directions of PET Radioisotopes Compounding" have been announced by the Department of Health (DOH), Taiwan, R.O.C.since 2003. As most of them were modified from the General Chapter <823> in the current version of United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), more emphasis were put on the compounding process of PET drugs per se and their standardized procedures while less details of pertinent quality assurance system were addressed. Now that USA FDA has been developing CGMP regulations for PET drugs under the Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 (21 CFR) Part 212, the PET drug production facilities are demanded to have quality assurance function. In order to comply with that trend and, meanwhile, fulfill the requirements of the Taiwan DOH, our PET center attempted to establish a quality management system (QMS). However, due to the small-sized manpower with limited professional backgrounds of our staffs, and other affecting factors, we actually encountered quite a lot of difficulties and stress through the process.ln this article, the experiences to initiate our QMS based on IS09001 :1994 will be shared and those major steps, including the layout of flow of QMS, establishment of mini-organization of management, structuring the documents with interim quality audit standard and implementation of quality audit work. Additionally, the problem-solving process will be further discussed. Throughout the entire QMS establishment, we learn that the conceptual improvement plays a more pivotal role than simply generating management system, standard procedures or intense and frequent audit works. Indeed, how to break ∞nceptboundaries for most professionals to abide with a QMS is the next challenge.
