
調查研究-方法與應用 TSSCI

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篇名 Survey Response in the Presence of Others: An Analysis of Social Normative and Sensitive Questions
卷期 28
並列篇名 第三者在場的調查回應:社會規範暗示性與敏感性題目的分析
作者 杜素豪
頁次 079-118
關鍵字 response qualityresponse tendencythe third-party effectthe presence of third-partiesinterview place回答品質回答傾向第三者在場效應第三者在場訪問地點TSSCI
出刊日期 201210


隱私。但現實中很難避免第三者在場的訪問情境。相關研究結果雖然分歧(Blair, 1979; Hartmann, 1995),一些針對高敏感與社會規範性
題目的研究仍發現顯著的第三者在場效應(Taietz, 1962; Aquilino,
1993; Smith, 1997),只是從不同性質的第三者在場深入探討其對訪
三者在場情況下進行的,在場人數多半是 1 人。約 40% 的第三者在場


The assurance of confidentiality in a dyad interview (private inter-
view) is central to survey interviewing, and it is a premise of such inter-
viewing. In reality, however, the presence of third-parties, a situational
variable in the interview, is hard to avoid. Despite the mixed results
found in previous studies (Blair, 1979; Hartmann, 1995), some findings
were supportive of a significant third-party effect, especially those with
a high degree of sensitivity and social norms (Taietz, 1962; Aquilino,
1993; Smith, 1997). Furthermore, scant attention has been paid to the
in-depth nature of the presence of others. Three dimensions of the
presence of others, respectively the number of others, the types of
others and the duration of their presence, were examined in this study
under the assumption that they would lead the respondents to under-
report or to provide socially desirable answers to sensitive or social
normative questions, as seen in comparison with factual questions.

Data from a regional survey of metropolitan residents aged 20 or
older in Taiwan were used. The results indicated that 50–60% of inter-
views carried out when third-parties were present, mostly one person.
About 40% of third-parties were present all the time. Concerning per-
sonal income and sexual experience, in contrast to bias-reduced sub-
stantial responses, biased responses are more likely to occur in the
interviews characterized by one to three dimensions of third-party
presence. In terms of response tendency, significant third-party effects
were found among substantial responses and bias-reduced substantial
responses to the questions including cohabitation, extra-marital rela-
tions, abortion, unmarried women, personal income, and political-party
identification. In particular, the third-party effect on biased response
to personal income was consistently found significant across three
dimensions of the presence of others. The present findings reconfirm
the theoretical expectations for the third-party effect on response qual-
ity and response tendency to social normative and sensitive questions.
They also echo what the previous studies have indicated: the situational
effect varies with questions of different nature.
