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篇名 Chinese Cooking with Ionic Seasonings May Enhance Migration of Perfluorooctanic acid from Food Contact Articles
卷期 20:4
並列篇名 添加離子調味料之中國式烹調可能強化食品接觸物件全氟辛酸之遷移
作者 江舟峰謝顯堂許惠琄張嘉津凌明沛黃亮瓅陳邦維江光華
頁次 814-821
關鍵字 food contact articlesmigrationperfluorooctanic acidPFOA食品接觸物件遷移全氟辛酸MEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 201212
DOI 10.6227/jfda.2012200310


味料的高溫油烹煮會促進PFOA的遷移,不沾鍋最高可達1.2 ng/dm2
紙最高可達9.2 ng/dm2
建議之累積日攝取限值(Cumulative estimated daily intake, CEDI)及暴露
情境(表面接觸係數155 g/dm2
、攝食量3 kg/d 、體重60 kg) ,使用確定法
(Deterministic approach),推估高暴露族群(攝食比0.8)及一般暴露族群
(攝食比0.4)之法規限值,結果分別為25及50 ng/dm2


With its desirable water and oil resistant property, perfluorooctanic acid (PFOA) has been used as a key chemical in many consumer
products and food contact articles (FCA), such as non-stick pans, oil-resistant food papers, carpets, textiles and paint. PFOA has been
detected at noticeable levels in a wide range of environmental matrices. The present study investigated the safety of migration of PFOA at
high temperature from non-stick cooking pans (125o
C) and oil-resistant food papers (100o
C) under simulated Chinese cooking conditions
involving food oils and ionic seasonings (salts, soybean sauce, vinegar, tomato sauce). Results indicated that, in comparison with using oil
alone, Chinese cooking using ionic seasonings in addition to oil would enhance migration of PFOA at a level up to 1.2 ng/dm2
in cooking
pans and 9.2 ng/dm2
in food papers. Using a value of cumulative estimated daily intake of 6 ng/kg BW/day and the exposure scenario (food
contact factor 155 g/dm2
, body weight 60 kg, intake rate 3 kg/head) set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, this study suggests a
regulatory limit to be set for both cooking pans and food papers at 25 and 50 ng/dm2
for PFOA, assuming a FCA consumption fraction of
0.8 and 0.4 for high and average consumers, respectively.

