
調查研究-方法與應用 TSSCI

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篇名 區域抽樣在調查研究上的應用
卷期 29
並列篇名 Application of Area Sampling in Surveys
作者 楊宏仁楊雪華汪正中
頁次 105-121
關鍵字 區域抽樣設計調查研究系統抽樣area samplingsurveysystematic samplingTSSCI
出刊日期 201304




Area Sampling was applied in this study. It is an alternative to census sampling, Based on the criterion of systematic sampling, an area sampling framework was designed. Using a self-developed program, coordinate points were calculated within one area sample. The participants came from the coordinate points. Data were collected by face-to-face interviews. Age and gender of the participants were analyzed to verify the representativeness of sampling results. The results showed that area sampling is an alternative method to census sampling.
