
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Tc-99m Phytate Peritoneoscintigraphy for Hepatic Hydrothorax
卷期 26:3
並列篇名 Tc-99m植酸腹腔閃爍攝影於肝性水胸的應用
作者 陳昱宏劉淑馨藍文君
頁次 097-098
關鍵字 膠體肝性胸水腹腔肋膜腔分流腹腔閃爍攝影植酸colloidhepatic hydrothoraxperitoneopleural shuntperitoneoscintigraphyphytate
出刊日期 201309
DOI 10.3966/222696812013092603005


搭-99m植酸目前已經被用在淋巴閃爍攝影以及網狀內皮系統的攝影上。然而,目前仍缺乏文獻報 告使用搭-99m植酸腹腔閃爍攝影來偵測腹腔肋膜腔分流。傳統上使用的藥物爲搭-99m sulfur colloid以及 搭-99m標記的大顆粒聚合人血清白蛋白。我們報告一位肝硬化的病人合倂右側大量胸水,以Tc-99m植 酸腹腔閃爍攝影成功的顯示腹腔肋膜腔分流的現象。這代表搭-99m植酸在缺乏傳統非腹膜吸收藥物的 地方也是一個合理的替代品。


Tc-99m phytate has been used as the agent for lymphoscintigraphy and reticuloendothelial images. Nevertheless, the use of Tc-99m phytate in peritoneoscintigraphy to detect peritoneopleural shunt has not been reported in literature; and the traditional agents used for peritoneoscintigraphy are Tc-99m labelled sulfur colloid and Tc-99m labelled macro-aggregated albumin. We here report a liver cirrhotic patient with refractory right pleural effusion successfully demonstrated the peritoneopleural shunt by Tc-99m phytate peritoneoscintigraphy. This indicates that Tc_ 99m phytate is a reasonable choice for peritoneoscintigraphy in facilities unavailable of traditional peritoneal non-absorptive radiotracers.
