
臺大佛學研究 THCI

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篇名 六十卷《華嚴經》「始成正覺」的敘事與詮釋的開展
卷期 27
並列篇名 Development of the Narrative and Hermeneutics of the “Primal Accomplishment of the Right Awakening” in the Huayan sūtra(60vol. ed.)
作者 郭朝順
頁次 001-052
關鍵字 華嚴經敘事一心論法界論始成正覺Huayen sūtraBuddhāvatamsaka-mahāvaipulya-sūtranarrativeOne single MindDharma-realmprimal accomplishment of the right awakeningTHCI
出刊日期 201406




The fundamental topic in the narrative of the Huayan sūtra deals with the tathāgata’s “primal accomplishment of the right awakening.” The framework of this narrative embraces the whole range and universe of the inner and outer aspects, as well as the temporal and spatial dimensions, while the means of narration call upon the image of the Buddha’s supernatural power. As regards content, the narrative combines all the Buddhist doctrines into a nexus of interrelation represented by the numeric symbol of the “ten dharmas” which accounts for both universal inclusion and extension of this doctrinal content. The Huayan sūtra’s editor narrated the topic of awakening from a variety of viewpoints, experiences, and testimonies which all together constitute the ultra-paradigm of the cultivation that entails such awakening. Moreover, the Huayan sūtra’s narratives also inspired the interpretations of the Huayan school, and on the basis of the expression “primal accomplishment of the right awakening,” this sūtra has been evaluated and classified as the “perfect and sudden teaching” which authentically expresses the Buddha’s fi rst sermon on full awakening just in the moment of his realization. The narration of the Buddha’s supernatural power as well as the inexhaustible sense of the “ten dharmas” provides the conceptual framework based on which the Huayan school builds up its philosophical views on the dynamics and mutual pervasion between oneness and complexity, as well as perfect integration without obstruction, while focusing the discussion on the topics of the “one single mind” and the “dharma-realm.” The present article analyzes the Huayan sūtra in terms of the three dynamically connected aspects of “narrative mode,” “narrative point of view” and “interpretation of narrative” to describe the essential clue in this narrative of the “primal accomplishment of the right awakening” and its relationship with the philosophical interpretation of the Huayan school, as well as to show the preunderstanding of Huayan school in the same time.
