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篇名 我國公共圖書館評鑑之發展與建議
卷期 85
並列篇名 Evaluation of Public Libraries in Taiwan: Development and Recommendations
作者 呂明珠
頁次 022-038
關鍵字 公共圖書館鄉鎮圖書館公共圖書館評鑑Public LibraryRural Public LibraryEvaluation of Public Libraries
出刊日期 201411




From 2003 to 2013, National Public Library Performance Management evaluations were held a total of four times. 241 out of a total 502 public libraries in Taiwan were awarded. This paper is to study the performance measurement of public libraries. The results are summarized as follows: The national evaluation has guided the direction of public library management, emphasizing and promoting efficiency. For the sake of fairness, the evaluation distinguishes between different grades of public libraries; between one and five sequential levels of the evaluation are used in order to reduce the number of topic questions. Public library management must advance with the times. We suggest that a dedicated evaluation agency for public libraries should be established in order to build an evaluation database, systemize the evaluation process, and enable the evaluation to become fully functional in providing advice and guidance for public libraries.
