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篇名 Facebook之使用者人格特質、 自戀行為暨涉入程度 對使用者忠誠度影響之研究
卷期 38
並列篇名 Impact of Facebook User Personality, Narcissism and Involvement on Loyalty
作者 蘇郁涵黎佩芬
頁次 051-076
關鍵字 人格特質自戀特質忠誠度涉入程度臉書FacebookInvolvementLoyaltyNarcissismPersonality
出刊日期 201207




In view of changes in the technological environment, this study focuses on issues related to use of social networking websites (SNW). The research platform is Facebook, which is the most influential SNW not only in Taiwan but also in other countries. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationshipsamong Personality, Narcissism, Involvement and Loyalty.The results are as follows: 1. Personality, Narcissism and Involvement affect Loyalty (positive correlation). 2. In the five factors of Personality, Agreeableness and Extraversion have the strongest influence on Loyalty. Neuroticism has the weakest influence onLoyalty. 3. Males have higher narcissistic tendencies. Females have higher loyalty tendency. 4. Gender can only moderate the relationship between Openness to Experience and Loyalty. 5. Ages do not moderate the relationships among Personality, Narcissism, Involvement, and Loyalty.
