
Taiwan Journal of Oral Medicine Sciences

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篇名 提升正顎手術病人護理指導完整率
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 The improvement of integrity rate of orthognathic surgery patient’s nursing instruction
作者 吳抒芸柯仁鳳胡悛愉黃麗玲余月里
頁次 084-097
關鍵字 正顎手術護理指導晈合不正orthognathic surgerynursing instructionmalocclusion
出刊日期 201510


完整的護理指導可有效的提升護理人員對病人照 護的品質及增進病人自我照護能力。經小組成員實 地觀察護理人員執行正顎手術護理指導的完整率僅 16.25%,經分析發現主要原因有:缺乏衛教單張、未 建置護理指導作業標準與指引、教育訓練不足、未有 明確交班指引…等,故本專案的目的在於提升護理人 員執行正顎手術護理指導之完整率,實施期間為2014 年1月1日至同年10月31日,改善方案有製作正顎手術 護理指導手冊、建立護理指導標準作業與指引、舉辦 教育訓練課程、制定護理指導稽核表。結果顯示護理 人員執行正顎手術護理指導的完整率由16.25%提升為 98.54%,經改善方案實施後可有效提升護理人員執行 正顎手術護理指導的認知及照護品質,並增進病人的 自我照護能力。


Integrity nursing instruction would be effective for patients in promoting the post-surgery nursing care quality, as well as in enhancing the self-care ability. The clinic observation by a crew had found that the implementation of integrity rate of orthognathic surgery9s nursing instruction reached just only 16.25%. Via analysis, the main affected reasons that found included, deficiency of oral hygiene instruction notice, lack of nursing instruction SOP (standard operation procedure), insufficiency of education and training awareness, inadequateness of accurate nursing shifting, etc. Therefore, this project aim was to enhance integrity rate of post-orthognathic surgery patient9s nursing instruction, carried out within period dated from Jan. 1st to Oct 31st, 2014. Improvement measures resulted form this project comprise, the manual edition for post-orthognathic surgery nursing care instruction, the SOP and guideline of nursing care instruction, the education training courses arrangement about post operation care, and the inspection checklist for nursing care instruction. The consequence showed the integrity rate increased from 16.25% to 98.54%, after the nurses had implemented the post-orthognathic surgery nursing care instructions. Meanwhile, via the project, accurate effectiveness has shown in promoting the post-surgery nursing care quality, as well as in enhancing the self-care ability of the patients.
