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篇名 大學圖書館之服務設計與創新
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Service Design and Innovation for University Libraries
作者 林福仁
頁次 001-019
關鍵字 服務設計價值共創服務科學知識匯學習會文化薈service designvalue co-creationservice scienceknowledge hublearning commonscultural archival
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.6146/univj.20-2.01


大學圖書館扮演著促進知識創造與多元學習的重要角色。所謂「圖書館是大 學的心臟」,如同規律運動是維護人體健康的關鍵,服務設計與創新是促進圖書 館健康發展的規律運動。本文檢視在數位科技環境下大學圖書館的服務,以服務 科學的服務系統觀和價值共創論來看大學圖書館的生態系統與價值共創的必要。 本文並且鋪陳服務設計的心法(U 型理論)與方法論(雙鑽石模型與設計思考)以 清大圖書館的服務設計與創新案例為呼應,作為大學圖書館服務創新的參考。


A university library plays an important role in facilitating knowledge creation and a variety of learning activities. A library can be regarded as the heart of a university. If regular exercises are the key to maintain a person’s health, then service design and innovation can be viewed as the regular exercises for the healthy development of a library. This paper aims to examine the services offered by university libraries in the digital technology era and to identify the service ecosystem and the necessity of value co-creation by using the system view and value co-creation concept in service science. Taking the service design and innovation initiatives in National Tsing Hua University library as a case study, this paper demonstrates the application of service design principle to innovating library services based on the Theory U and the service design methods based on the Double Diamond Model and Design Thinking. The process and outcomes shed light on the service innovation practices for university libraries.
