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篇名 從博弈理論「焚舟」看危機處理:以春秋時代「王官之役」與英格蘭為例
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 “Burn the Boats” and Crisis Management: A Game-theoretical comparison of the Battle of Wang-guan (624 BCE) and Battle of Hastings (1066 AD)
作者 朱文章
頁次 055-064
關鍵字 博弈理論「焚舟」(Burn the Boats)王官之役哈斯汀斯戰役Game TheoryBurning the BoatsBattle of Wang-guanBattle of Hastings
出刊日期 201709


戰史上「焚舟」首見中國左傳文公3 年秦穆公伐 晉王官之役,西方則以公元1066 年的哈斯汀斯 戰役最早,兩者相差近1,700 年。雖然西方現代 博弈理論學者,經常以征服者威廉在哈斯汀斯戰 役上「焚舟」,作為教學個案,唯此舉在戰役是 否屬實,是本文重點。另按《左傳》歷代註釋者, 均將「焚舟」作為「示必死之決心」,或「使無 退心」,或「堅其志」解釋,本文也企圖以「焚 舟」代表的學理,以王官之役為例進一步豐富該 戰史之意涵。


Comparing the Game-theoretical “Burning the Boats” in the Battle of Wang-guan and the battle of Hastings The "burning the boats" tactic is stated for the first time in the Annals of the Spring and Autumn period during the battle of Wang-guan. In the western world, it is firstly seen in the battle of Hastings in 1066. The latter is used in the academic circle in teaching game theory. This article is to find out if it was a historical fact that boat-burning did happen in the Hastings and to introduce its game-theoretical concept to fully understand the meaning of the Wang-guan battle.
