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篇名 旅館火災搶救管理策略之探討
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 Management Strategy of Fire rescue in Hotel
作者 林彥宇沈永年
頁次 077-088
關鍵字 旅館火災搶救管理策略HotelFire RescueManagement Strategy
出刊日期 201709




Owing to the booming of travelling business, the number of tourists, coming from either domestic areas, foreign countries, or Mainland China due to recent tourist stimulus policy, has been dramatically increasing yearly. The emergent responses for hotel resident evacuation become more and more important since the hotel residents are characterized as short-term stay tourists, lack of emergent responding senses, and unfamiliar with complicated hotel layouts during fire evacuation. The human life losses and severe property damages are frequently reported both domestically and internationally because the hotels are designed with high population resident density. The hotel fire-rescuing capability always draws public attention on safety management issues, as a result, this study provides solutions on how to enhance the safety of fire rescue plan so that more lives and property losses can be reduced.
