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篇名 兩種在臺灣發現的小菇屬新種
卷期 34
並列篇名 Two new species of Mycena in Taiwan
作者 張瓊之周文能
頁次 009-017
關鍵字 針毛小菇節柄吸盤小菇節內轉錄間隔區分類學section Spinosaesection BasipedesITStaxonomy
出刊日期 201907


本文報導在台灣發現的兩個小菇屬新種:雙蓋蕨小菇(Mycena diplazii)與近藍蓋小菇(Mycena subcyanocephala),兩新種皆分佈於台灣亞熱帶地區。本研究使用內轉錄間隔區(internal transcribed spacers, ITS)序列建構親緣關係樹,探討兩新種與相近種的關係。雙蓋蕨小菇隸屬於吸盤小菇節(section Basipedes),生長在過溝菜蕨(Diplazium esculentum)的活體上,鑑定特徵為菌柄基部明顯的吸盤狀構造及菌褶中心的假項圈狀(pseudocollarium)構造。近藍蓋小菇隸屬於針毛小菇節(section Spinosae),生長於腐木,鑑定特徵為子實體表面具有細絨毛、淡藍色菌蓋、薄壁的菌蓋囊狀體與菌柄囊狀體、光滑頭狀緣囊狀體、無類澱粉反應的擔孢子及雙孢的擔子。包含本研究的兩個新種,臺灣小菇屬種數增加到23種。


Mycena diplazii and M. subcyanocephala are proposed as new species, supported by morphological and phylogenetic analyses. The phylogenetic tree inferred from ITS sequences suggests the placement of the new taxa within the genus Mycena. These two new species were found in subtropical Taiwan. Mycena diplazii, a species of section Basipedes inhabit-ing living stem of Diplazium esculentum, is characterized mainly by a distinct basal disc and forming a pseudocollarium lamellae. Mycena subcyanocephala, a lignicolous species of section Spinosae, is characterized mainly by tomentulose fruitbodies, a white cap with pale blue tone, thin-walled pileiocystidia and caulocystidia, smooth round-headed cheilocys-tidia, inamyloid basidiospores, and the 2-spored basidia.
