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篇名 父母品格教育、管教方式、自我概念與品格之關係
卷期 60
並列篇名 A Study of the impact on the Relationship between Parental character educations, disciplinary method of Children’s personality development and self-concept
作者 吳怡芳劉玉琳國安民
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 父母管教方式父母品格教育自我概念品格CharacterParenting styleCharacter educationSelf-concept
出刊日期 201907


對於孩子的管教方式,不僅言教、身教重要,「境教」也是對孩子成長過程中最為重要的一部分。父母辛勞的養育孩子,不只是希望孩子有成就,也是希望孩子在未來的日子裡能懂得如何尊重他人、幫助他人、誠實的對待他人和擁有責任感。本研究的目的在探討父母的管教方式(民主威信、獨斷威權、寬容溺愛、忽視冷漠)、品格教育(高身教高言教、高身教低言教、低身教高言教、低身教低言教)以及小孩的自我概念與其品格養成之關係,研究對象為吉隆坡中華獨中中學部學生,使用問卷調查法進行調查,總計有效問卷為328 份,使用t 檢定、單變量變異數分析、以及多元迴歸分析進行研究目的的各項檢定。問卷為學生自己填答他們父母的管教方式與品格教育方式,以及自己在品格構面的分數,研究結果顯示:(1)在品格養成方面,女生在所有品格表現上的得分皆顯著高於男生;(2)在品格表現上得分最高的群組都是父母的品格教育方式為「高身教高言教」;(3)在品格表現上得分最高的群組都是父母管教方式為「民主威信」;(4)家庭自我概念以及社會自我概念在品格養成上皆有顯著影響力,且社會自我概念的影響力超過家庭自我概念。


Regarding parenting styles, it is very important of situational education in addition to preaching and teaching during children’s growth process. Parents work hard to raise their children with the hope that children to have achievements as well as to learn to respect, help, treat others honestly and to be responsible. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between parenting style (democratic/prestige, authoritarian/authority, tolerance/love, neglect/indifference), character education (high teaching/high lecturing, high teaching/low lecturing, low teaching/high lecturing, low teaching/low lecturing), self-concept and character development. The respondents are students at a high school in Kuala Lumpur. The survey method is used with a total 328 valid sample. The tests are conducted using t-test, univariate analysis and the multiple regression analysis. Respondents answer the questionnaire by themselves as to the suitable answer to their parenting style and character development. Finding are (1) girls get significantly high score in the character performance;(2) the “high teaching/high lecturing” group of character education has the highest score in the character performance;(3) “democratic prestige” group has the highest score in the character performance;(4) “family self-concept” and “society self-concept” have significant influences on character development, where the later has more significant influence than the former.
