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篇名 工作輪調與組織公民行為之關聯性-以信任、工作滿足為中介變數
卷期 60
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationships of Job Rotation and Organization Citizenship Behavior - The Mediating Rules of Trust and Job Satisfaction
作者 曾薰瑤施麗梅王金城
頁次 063-096
關鍵字 工作輪調社會交換理論信任工作滿足組織公民行為Job RotationSocial Exchange TheoryTrustJob SatisfactionOrganization Citizenship Behavior
出刊日期 201907


本研究以社會交換理論為基礎,以信任及工作滿足為中介變數,探討工作輪調與組織公民行為之關聯性,並依此提出兩個研究問題:(1)工作輪調、信任、工作滿足與組織公民行為之關聯性為何?(2)信任及工作滿足對工作輪調與組織公民行為的關係之中介效果為何?研究對象以醒吾科技大學全體行政人員為樣本,進行實證分析,總計有效問卷為105 份,經由實證結果發現:1. 「工作輪調」顯著的正向影響「信任」及「工作滿足」2. 「信任」及「工作滿足」顯著的正向影響「組織公民行為」3. 「工作輪調」對於「組織公民行為」的直接影響效果有限4. 「信任」與「工作滿足」在「輪調認知」與「組織公民行為的利他行為」之間有具有完全中介效果


Based on the Social Exchange Theory, this study investigates the mediating effects of trust and job satisfaction on the relationships of job rotation and organization citizenship behavior. Data are collected using a questionnaire survey administered from Hsing Wu University’s staffs. A total of 105 successful questionnaires are obtained. The hierarchical regression analysis is used to evaluate the conceptual model. The findings are as follows: 1. Job rotation perception has a positive and significant effect on both trust and job satisfaction. 2. Trust and job satisfaction positively and significantly affect organization citizenship behavior. 3. The effect of job rotation on organization citizenship behavior is rather limited. 4. Both of trust and job satisfaction hold complete mediating effects on the relationship between job rotation perception and altruism of organization citizenship behavior.
