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篇名 股權結構與公司績效關聯性之研究-企業生命週期觀點
卷期 60
並列篇名 Empirical Impact of Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance - Life Cycle Stages of Firms
作者 黃梓蒼
頁次 127-142
關鍵字 股權結構公司績效生命週期階段內部人持股比例機構法人持股比例Ownership structureCorporate performanceLife cycle stages of firmsInsiders investor shareholdingInstitutional investor shareholding
出刊日期 201907




Previous empirical studies on the nature of the relationship between ownership structure and other governance mechanism and Corporate performance fail to get to a consensus. Ownership structures, the fraction of shares held by insiders and institutional investors, controlling board-seat ratio, deviation of cash flow right, are considered to be one of the core internal mechanisms of corporate governance. To extend prior studies, this paper seeks to examine the relation by applying a dynamic perspective to explore the persistence of the relationship by industries and over time. We cast doubts: Does the interdependent impact of ownership on Corporate performance varies at different life cycle stages of firms? Empirical analysis through multivariate regression model explores the impacts of ownership structure on company performance in different life-cycle stages. Our empirical results suggest that a potential non-linear relation exists between shareholding and Corporate performance. We also find that the split specification of ownership structure and life cycle stages of firms matter.
