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篇名 產品置入顯著度與幽默情境之效果:以Instagram為例
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Impact of Product Placement Prominence and Humor Context: An Example of Instagram
作者 秦時雋周軒逸
頁次 087-128
關鍵字 Instagram產品置入顯著度認知型幽默刺激尋求自我建構Instagramproduct placement prominencecognitive humorsensation seekingself-construalTSSCI
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6188/JEB.202006_22(1).0004




Many companies and marketers place product and brand messages in various media in an attempt to unobtrusively and imperceptibly change consumers’ brand memory and attitudes. Prior studies have indicated that prominently placing products/brands in various media can increase consumers’ brand memory; however, it is also more likely to elicit consumers’ negative attitudes toward brands. Using the social medium Instagram as the medium of product placement, this study examines whether humor can reverse the likely negative impact of product placement prominence. Specifically, it tests the effects of product placement prominence in Instagram posts on brand memory and attitudes with and without the use of cognitive humor. Additionally, the moderating effects of consumers’ sensation seeking and self-construal are explored. The results of three experiments reveal that prominent (vs. subtle) placement in Instagram posts increases consumers’ brand memory. Prominent placement yields better brand attitudes when cognitive humor is used in the posts, especially for consumers with high sensation seeking and independent self-construal. However, the use of cognitive humor weakens the positive impact of prominent placement on brand memory.
