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篇名 單純酒後駕車刑罰政策之德菲調查研究
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 A Delphi Study on the Penalty Policy for Driving Under Influence
作者 鄒啟勳陳玉書林健陽
頁次 003-035
關鍵字 酒後駕車刑罰政策德菲法威嚇模式醫療模式社區模式driving under influence penalty policyDelphi methoddeterrence modelmedical modelcommunity model
出刊日期 202007
DOI 10.6905/JC.202007_9(2).0001




The driving under influence (DUI) has satisfied the formal legislation to criminal penalties since 1999. However, the DUI crime and recidivism are extensively concerned in Taiwan. To build the policy consensus of DUI crime, purposes of the current study are to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy of penalizing sanctions for DUI crime without causing deaths or injuries and imprisoning the DUI recidivist through a quantitative Delphi expert survey. Research findings with higher policy consensus are as follows: (1) The DUI penalty policy has a significantly positive impact on reducing DUI accidents, but not an effective policy to inhibit DUI crime. (2) For DUI offenders sentenced to 6 months or less and unable to pay fines, it is suitable to punish them by the community service instead of imprisonment to reduce negative label and overcrowding in prison. (3) According to the guidance of medicine prior to justice, it is essential to provide alcoholism assessment and multiple treatment service for DUI offenders to reduce recidivism. (4) Multi-educational propaganda can be employed to enhance citizen’s DUI risk perceptions for general prevention. (5) The “Alcolock” should be compulsorily installed to prevent DUI recidivists from attempting to DUI. Suggestions on the prevention and policy of DUI crime are also discussed based on the research findings.
