
華語文教學研究 THCI

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篇名 要,不要「呢」?疑問句構與篇章功能的互動
卷期 17:4
並列篇名 Ne, Need It or Not: Interface of Interrogation and Discourse Function
作者 徐宏欣
頁次 071-094
關鍵字 「呢」句末助詞信息結構省略性構式語法關聯理論constructionist approachesinformation structureneoptionalityrelevance theorysentence final particleTHCI
出刊日期 202012




This paper focuses on the sentence final particle nein an interrogative structure. Using the Constructionist Approaches, the Information Structure and the Relevance Theory, we investigate the interaction between syntactic construction and discourse function of ne. With the ‘Sinica Corpus 4.0’, we compiled 4,914 cases containing ne in interrogation use. We then categorized them into three groups according to their interrogative forms: disjunctive, constituent, and short-phrase. In terms of disjunctive and constituent questions, the questioning context is clearly expressed by the interrogative elements, such as WH words and the options provided; it is thus no longer necessary that ne should appear; and it turns out to be optional. Even when it does, the ne shows less harsh on intonation and it can help soliciting the active participation of hearer. However, in a short-phrase question, the ne shows its importance and obligatoriness due to its function of connecting the relevance in the discourse, moreover, the ne ensures the integrity of the information.
