
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 人無遠慮,必有近憂:藝術大學師培生與非師培生之生涯發展模式差異分析
卷期 43:4
並列篇名 “Failing to Plan” is “Planning to Fail”? The Differences of Career Expansion Model Between Teacher Program Students and Non-Teacher Program Students at an Arts University
作者 陳嘉成洪兆祥
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 未來時間觀生涯希望感生涯阻礙生涯發展future time perspectivecareer hopecareer barriercareer developmentTSSCI
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.3966/102498852020124304001




The difference of students from an arts university and a comprehensive university is the former one has accumulated over ten years of professional training but the latter one begins to study their majors after entering universities. Even in an arts university, students who study teacher program have different career planning from other arts students. Presumably, their career development model is distinct. The purpose of the study was to compare the differences of interest development model from social cognitive career theory for students between teacher program and non-teacher program. 697 students (279 students from teacher program) participated in the study. Descriptive statistics, t-test, and SEM models were utilized for statistical processing. The results shows that: 1. Interest development model was applicable for arts university students; 2. A significant difference of effective path from career development model was revealed for students between teacher program and non-teacher program; 3. For non-teacher program, career hope came from career interest and future-time perspective whereas for students from teacher program, career hope was not significantly correlated with career interest, but it was related with test self-efficacy and outcome expectation of becoming teachers.
