
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 家庭作業時間對學習成就產生負向影響的原因分析:以TIMSS 2007年臺灣四年級學生為例
卷期 43:4
並列篇名 Exploring the Reasons that Homework Time Negatively Affects Learning Achievements: A Case of the Fourth-Grade Students in Taiwan in 2007 According to the TIMSS
作者 陳俊瑋秦夢群
頁次 033-064
關鍵字 學生層次家庭作業時間班級層次聚集加總家庭作業時間班級層次教師填答家庭作業時間學習成就國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查student-level homework timeclass-level aggregate homework timeclass-level teacher-answered homework timelearning achievementsTrends in International Mathematics and Science StudyTSSCI
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.3966/102498852020124304002




This paper discusses the reasons homwork time negatively affects learning achievements as well as whether different levels of homework time influence on learning achievements. A hierarchical linear model was applied to analyze the data on the fourth-grade students in Taiwan in 2007 according to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The results were as follows: (1) Students’ mathematical abilities and their motivations and efficiency in completeing homework negatively affect their mathematics homework time; (2) Student-level mathematics homework time negatively affects students’ leaning achievements in mathematics, but no significant effect on said learning achievements was identified in class-level aggregate mathematics homework time; (3) Student-level mathematics homework time negatively affects students’ leaning achievements in mathematics, but class-level teacher-answered mathematics homework time positively affects said leaning achievements. Accordingly, homework time negatively affects students’ learning achievements because student-level homework time only represents students’ speed in completing homework, whereas teacher-answered homework time represents the amount of homework assigned to a class. This paper suggests that homework adjustment or counseling be provided to students with insufficient mathematical abilities or lacking motivations or efficiency in completing homework. Moreover, instructors should flexibly adjust the amount or frequency of homework to fourth-grade students according to the objectives to be met.
