
臺大佛學研究 THCI

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篇名 晚明《成唯識論》註釋傳統的重新建構——數位量化人文的視角
卷期 40
並列篇名 How Was the Commentarial Tradition of Cheng Weishi Lun Rebuilt in Late-Ming? The Quantitative Perspective of Digital Humanities
作者 楊志常
頁次 085-134
關鍵字 《成唯識論》註釋傳統的重新建構數位人文文本重用晚明佛教Cheng weishi luncommentarial tradition rebuildingdigital humanitiestextual reuselate-Ming BuddhismTHCI
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.6727/TJBS.202012_(40).0003


本研究採取有異於一般研究《成唯識論》,以及其註釋書的研究取向,在限定範圍內,對於註釋傳統如何地被重新建構,作全面的文本對讀和比較分析。同時,利用數位人文的量化分析方法,試圖呈現和解釋這個在前數位人文時代中比較難以了解和處理的人文現象。透過數位量化人文的視角,本論文能夠 具體化地闡述傳統建構的階段性、傳統建構的社群性、王肯堂的註釋作為文本重用參考點的價值,以及無知之幕對於傳統重新建構的意含。希望藉以重拾我們對於傳統建構性的察覺。


This article attempts to investigate a rare historical phenomenon ‒ how did late-Ming commentators rebuild the interrupted commentarial tradition of the Cheng Weishi Lun? Due to overemphasis on orthodoxy and continuity of traditions, previous related studies might seem tended to overlook malleability and contemporality of traditions. Thus, this study would like to draw more attention to how malleable a commentarial tradition rebuilding could be in a contemporary manner.
Different from conventional research methods to study the Cheng Weishi Lun and its commentaries, this study decides to conduct comprehensive cross-readings and comparisons among texts in a limited scope. Moreover, a quantitative analysis of digital humanities is adopted in order to better understand and explain the targeted historical phenomenon that used to be diffi cult to deal with in the era of pre-digital humanities. From the quantitative perspective of digital humanities, this article would be able to expound in a more concrete way how the commentarial tradition rebuilding in the late-Ming took stages and community work, what the value of Wang Kentang’s commentary as a reference of “textual reuse” would be, and what implication of the commentarial tradition rebuilding under the veil of ignorance would be. The intention of this study is to bring back or to reinforce the awareness that the commentarial traditions are more human constructs than being given.
