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篇名 傳統中醫藥於對抗新冠病毒之角色與重要性
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 The Critical Role of Tradition Chines Medicine Against Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19)
作者 夏德椿詹凱丞黃岱琳秦宇廷林郁欣黃宜茹沈德群李嘉翔蕭瑀辰王韻琪張文馨蔡佳紋楊家欣蔡輔仁包大靝
頁次 001-010
關鍵字 新冠肺炎台灣傳統中醫藥COVID-19Taiwantraditional Chinese medicine
出刊日期 202012


2019冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19, 冠肺炎, 漢肺炎)疫情自爆發以來,逐漸蔓延全球各地,迄今共造成全球超過2500萬人次染疫,以及奪走85萬條寶貴的生命。臨床上,其主要症狀包括發燒、乾咳、周身疲勞、呼吸症候、腹瀉以及喉嚨痛等類似呼吸窘迫症候群之症狀。截至目前為止,全球之科學家仍在針對該冠狀病毒疫苗之製作、驗證乃至量產,日夜匪懈地不斷努力。同時,也在不斷地就早期偵測被感染者之試劑,以及有效之藥物進行開發及測試。本論文旨在綜論傳統中醫藥於此疫情所能扮演之角色與作出的貢獻,並特別整理冠狀病毒感染病程各階段中可以預防發病及減緩病情的方劑等珍貴資訊,以供國人與全球人類參考。我們也整理了一些經典的中醫藥抗冠狀病毒理論依據,以及轉譯與臨床之研究方法與經驗。最重要的是此類我們精簡整理的各階段有效中醫藥湯方,對於傳統中醫藥對抗冠狀病毒之貢獻,可透過中西醫整合醫學會之刊稿,及早讓所有讀者為對抗新冠病毒之聖戰做好與做足準備。我們也透過此篇文章,向台灣與全球站在第一線抗疫的中西醫醫護人員,致上最高的謝忱與敬意。


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, which has caused millions of confirmed infections and thousands of deaths, has been the most devastating worldwide crises recently. The main clinical symptoms of confirmed COVID-19 cases include fever, dry cough, general fatigue, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea and sore throat, similar to those of acute respiratory distress syndrome. SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, belongs to a novel coronavirus strain against which no drug or vaccine currently exists. Therefore, research units around the world have been actively developing efficient diagnostic tools and new drugs. This article summarizes the potential traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in clinical manifestations of COVID-19, based on several translational and clinical researches, especially those in mainland China. Most importantly, we concisely summarize practical TCMs for COVID-19 at different stages for all the citizens. Based on all the information accumulated in the updated literature, the contribution of TCMs to the war against COVID-19 are highly promising and respected. Finally, we would like to extend our best regards to the frontline health fighters in the war against COVID-19 in Taiwan and all over the world.
