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篇名 探究因應少子化之科技大學招生策略——從校務研究觀點
卷期 54
並列篇名 A Study on Recruitment Strategies of Tajen University under Declining Birth Rates: From the Perspective of Institutional Research
作者 洪淑君
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 少子化招生策略校務研究Declining Birth RatesRecruitment StrategiesInstitutional Research
出刊日期 202012


本研究旨在採取校務研究觀點,探究科技大學因應少子化之招生策略。以104至108學年入學之新生為研究對象,採文獻分析及問卷調査等方法,探討不同入學管道之生源變化、新生選校的影響因素及生源變化的關係,及招生活動與生源變化的關係。本研究採SPSS Statistics 2019軟體進行描述性統計及相關分析,研究結果顯示:本校新生除聯合甄選入學管道之新生外,其餘經技專校院招生聯合會的入學管道入學之新生在選擇就讀學校時,較未考量學校之地理位置;至於全校新生來源地區,仍以屏東、高雄及台南地區為主;至於影響本校新生的入學因素,則包括:新生家長的影響、同儕結伴及來校體驗活動等。期望本研究結果有助於提供學校及系所在未來擬定招生策略之參考。


This study aimed to explore the recruitment strategy of Tajen University under declining birth rates from the perspective of institutional research. The freshmen enrolled in the 104-108 school year as the research object, literature analysis and questionnaire were used to explore the source of different enrollment channels, the factors affecting the selection of freshmen, the changes in student resources, and the relationship between enrollment activities and student source changes. In this study, SPSS Statistics 2019 software was used for descriptive statistics and analysis of correlation. The results of this study showed that: the geographical location of the school wasn't considered to the freshmen from the admissions channel of Committee of Recruitment policy for technological colleges and universities; Pingtung, Kaohsiung and Tainan districts were still the main areas for the freshmen; the factors affecting the freshmen enrolled were: The influence of their parents, peers and school experience activities. The results of this study will help to provide a reference for the future recruitment strategies of Tajen University and departments.
