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篇名 工作壓力與休閒參與對工作滿意度之影響
卷期 54
並列篇名 The Impact of Job Stress and Leisure Participation on Job Satisfaction
作者 郭嘉珍劉財龍
頁次 101-124
關鍵字 工作壓力休閒參與工作滿意度Job StressLeisure ParticipationJob Satisfaction
出刊日期 202012




The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of job stress and leisure participation on job satisfaction to complement previous research gap. The study used questionnaires to investigate a convenient sampling of elementary school teacher in Kaohsiung, a total of 315 questionnaires were valid. Via multiple regression analysis to verify the hypothesis, the results showed that job stress has a partially negatively significant effect on job satisfaction, among which workload, student behavior and parental participation have a negative effect on job satisfaction; Leisure participation has a partially positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. Among them, the mass media category has a positive influence on job satisfaction. In addition, different personal background variables have significant differences on job satisfaction. Finally, this study proposes managerial implications and recommendations.
