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篇名 檢視2010年代的跨大西洋關係 安全與經濟關係發展
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 The Transatlantic Relations in the 2010s: The Security and Economic Developments
作者 賴昀辰
頁次 001-042
關鍵字 跨大西洋關係北大西洋公約組織跨大西洋貿易與投資夥伴協定(反)全球化英國脱歐Atlantic RelationNATOTTIP Brexit
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.6164/JNDS.202012_20(1).0001




US-Europe alliance has influenced the international relations since the second world war. Recent national elections in the US and in Europe, including those in Germany, Austria, Italy and France etc., reflected the rising of populism and questioned the globalization and current political regimes. The national elections above would not only decide the domestic politics but also influence foreign policies and US-Europe alliance. This research discusses the security and economic developments in the transatlantic relations, including the cooperation in the NATO and the competition between the EU and the NATO, and the frustration in the TTIP negotiation in recent years, finding that the adjustment in the security perspective is much quick than that in the economic one. The variation is due to the politicization in international economic cooperation issue causing by anti-globalization and the different natures of economy and politics of transnational relations. The nature of political relations is dependency, while that of economic relations is competition and cooperation. The future challenges of transatlantic relations are, how to respond to the question of anti-globalization, and how to adjust the US-EU-UK triangle after Brexit to rebuilt the transatlantic alliance.
