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篇名 臺灣無性戀於華人文化現身處境之探討
卷期 43:1
並列篇名 A Research on the Disclosure Situation of Taiwanese Asexual people in Ethnic Chinese Culture
作者 李亭萱
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 出櫃身分認同現身華人文化無性戀asexualChinese culturecoming outidentityTaiwanTSCI
出刊日期 202105
DOI 10.3966/181815462021054301001


臺灣主權獨立、學術自由、性別意識先進,是亞洲第一個同性婚姻合法化的國家,然而臺灣又於華人文化下是一特殊的存在,包括傳承孝道,以關係取向為前提,視個人需求為次要,以追求社會和諧氛圍,無性戀(asexual)是獨立於異性戀、同性戀、雙性戀之外的第四個性傾向(sexual orientation),於華人文化下並不被看見或理解,本文提出兩個觀點:其一為臺灣無性戀者於華人文化現身(coming out)處境,必須同時關注「生理性別」與「浪漫愛」之性腳本,包含男性與女性性腳本呈現二元對立,不同性傾向性腳本有其特殊性,都會影響無性戀的現身處境;其二是「不為人知」成為無性戀者現身之困境,如汙名與性騷擾。最後,本文對於諮商專業與性別平等推動建議如下:(1)認識無性戀:知其然,知其所以然;(2)了解華人文化在不同性傾向性腳本之作用力;(3)反思個人性價值觀與承接性議題之能力;(4)強烈建議將「認識無性戀」列入國、高中性別平等與性教育教材;(5)提升諮商專業人員為性少數群體倡導之能力;(6)呼籲積極投入學術研究,更進一步探究無性戀之未知。


Taiwan’s sovereign independence, academic freedom, and advanced gender consciousness led to the passage of Act for Implementation of J.Y. Interpretation No. 748 in 2019. It is the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. However, in ethnic Chinese culture, Taiwan is a special existence where filial piety and interpersonal relationship takes precedence over the personal needs in pursuit of social harmony. Independent of heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality, asexual is the fourth sexual orientation, which has never been known and understood. As a result, this research outlines the situation of Taiwanese asexual people coming out in ethnic Chinese culture. In the literature review of the research, the asexual community, the relationship between sexual desire and romantic love, and the relationship between Asexual and various sub-systems are discussed. Based on the literature review on Taiwan’s Asexual people coming out in ethnic Chinese Culture, two viewpoints are as below: Firstly, the disclosure of Taiwanese asexual people should be involved in sex scripts of ‘gender’ and ‘romance’. The binary opposition of male and female sex scripts has an impact on the disclosure of the asexual people in Taiwan, so do the various sex scripts of different sexual orientation. Secondly, a lack of understanding spawns difficulties, such as stigmatization or sexual harassment, in the disclosure of Taiwanese asexual people. Finally, suggestions for counselors and sexual equality advocates are proposed as follows: (1) to gain an understanding of asexuality: know what it is and know why it is as a result; (2) to gain a better understanding of the interaction between different sexual orientations and sex scripts against the backdrop of ethnic Chinese culture; (3) to reflect on personal value and ability to deal with sex and gender issues; (4) to highly recommend that understanding of asexuality should be incorporate into middle school teaching materials on gender equality and sex education; (5) to enhance the profession of counselling professionals for supporting sexual minorities; (6) to call on more efforts into academic research to take a further step for exploration of asexuality.
