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篇名 脛骨平台延遲性癒合病例報告
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 A Case Report of Delayed-union of Tibial Plateau Fracture.
作者 蔡一成邱少君沈炫樞
頁次 028-036
關鍵字 骨折癒合不良血府逐瘀湯FractureMalunionXUE FU ZHU YU DECOCTION
出刊日期 202106




Bone fractures are common in each age group. After reduction and fixation, bone healing can be simplified into three successive stages: inflammation, repair, and remodeling. According to statistics, the prevalence of delayed healing and non-union is 5-10%. We report a case of a 54-year-old overweight woman who sustained a delayed-union right tibial fracture while 3-month rehabilitation. Based on syndrome differentiation of TCM, the patient was diagnosed as blood stasis and liver-kidney yin deficiency pattern. Her clinical signs were not improved very much after taking XUE FU ZHU YU DECOCTION and applying pain-relief-manipulation. Due to the limited therapeutic effect, we then approached the activate-blood-and-resolve-stasis manipulation and hot compressing patient instructions. Afterwards the patient’s clinical signs were significantly improved and she was able to get back to work.
