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篇名 圖解識字教學法對國小智能障礙學生識字學習成效之研究
卷期 19:1/2
並列篇名 A Study on the Effectiveness of Graphical Literacy Teaching Method for Primary School Students with Intellectual Disabilities
作者 悅卉沂吳勝儒吳維民
頁次 066-079
關鍵字 圖解識字教學法國小智能障礙學生識字學習成效Graphical literacy teaching methodelementary school students with intellectual disabilitiesliteracy learning effectiveness
出刊日期 202106


本研究旨在探討三名就讀於國小集中式特教班中度智能障礙學生(分別為二年級、五年級、六年級),在接受了自編的圖解識字教學後,其識字的立即成效和維持成效。研究方法採用單一受式研究法(single-subject research)之跨參與者多試探設計(multiple probe across-participants designs),進行了十八個單元,共十八週的實驗教學,並以目視分析法分析識字測驗得分,以瞭解識字學習的成效。研究結果如下:一、國小智能障礙學生經圖解識字教學策略介入後,在「簡單兩百字測驗認字量表」的表現上有立即成效。二、國小智能障礙學生經圖解識字教學策略介入後,在「簡單兩百字測驗認字量表」的表現上有維持成效。根據上述研究結論,本研究之建議如下:一、對教學方面:須重視覺意象的呈現、須著重具體操作的歷程及須著重多變趣味原則。二、對未來研究方面:將本教學法運用於身心障礙學生之不同類別及教育階段。


The purpose of this study is to explore the immediate effects of three students with intellectual disabilities (second, fifth, and sixth grade) enrolled in a centralized special education class in elementary schools after receiving self-edited graphical literacy teaching and retain effectiveness. The research method adopted single-subject research (multiple probe across-participants designs), conducted 18 units, a total of l8 weeks of experimental teaching, and visual analysis explore research results to understand the effectiveness of literacy learning. The findings of this study are as follows: 1). after the elementary school students with intellectual disabilities are taught by the “graphical literacy teaching method”, the evaluation of literacy performance has immediate results. 2). the evaluation of literacy performance of elementary school students with intellectual disabilities after being taught by the “graphical literacy teaching method” has retained results. Based on the above results, this research puts forward several suggestions for the literacy teaching of students with intellectual disabilities in elementary schools and future related research.
