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篇名 南宋文言公案故事「通奸殺夫」類之敘事轉向——以沈氏《鬼董・陳淑》為主要考察
卷期 48
並列篇名 Narrative Transformation of the Criminal Stories about "Adultery and Husband-Murder ": A Discussion Based on the Southern Song Dynasty Novelette "Gui Dong・Chen Shu"
作者 鄧郁生
頁次 093-128
關鍵字 宋代文言小說鬼董陳淑公案世俗化classical Chinese novelettes of Song DynastyGui DongChen Shucriminal storiessecularizationTHCI Core
出刊日期 202012




This paper focus on the criminal stories about "Adultery and Husband-Murder " in the classical Chinese novelettes of Southern Song Dynasty , to find the fact that under the influence of the Shuo-Hua(說話)fashions, these stories were different from the ones in Tang and Northern Song Dynasty in the way of putting their emphasisfrom "case-scouting" to "secular situation" and beingcommitted to depict the process of adultery, murder and other criminal events.. This paper takes "Gui Dong・Chen Shu" (《鬼董.陳淑》)as the main material, pointing out that although "Chen Shu" followed the adulteress writing of Liu Zong-Yuan's " Biography of He-Jian", on the issue of women's morality-falling, it weakened the admonish of "keep nose clean" in pre-text, and then guide the root of corrupting to "accidentalism". In addition, through comparison with Sung Hua-Ben(宋話本)novels such as "Story of Golden eel " , we can know that "Chen Shu" might be drawn from the folk, dyed by the influence of the Shuo-Hua fashions in terms of secular-situation theme, accidentalism, and the narrative method of setting up another story main line. Finally, this paper examines the rise of writing evil and desire and the content of "secularization" of classical Chinese novelettes in Song Dynasty from the perspective of populace' interest and the historical context, figuring out that the genre not only satisfied the populace' wishes which get rid of the normal track, but also never exceed the bottom line of justice in heart which could resonate with the populace experience.
