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篇名 光影變化運用於電腦動畫之創作研究
卷期 14
並列篇名 Applying Lighting and Shading Variation in 3D Computer Animation Arts
作者 陳秋良鍾世凱
頁次 67-95
關鍵字 3D電腦動畫情境氣氛LightingComputerAnimationIlluminationShadowAtmosphere
出刊日期 201005


電腦動畫裡光影的處理,不像現實的光影容易處理,除了技術層面的考量需求外,所要擬真的程度都讓電腦動畫光影呈現面臨艱難的挑戰。本創作研究以 3D 電腦動畫中的光和影,來營造出所需的情境氣氛,使動畫影片更有戲劇性的張力,表現出該劇所欲傳達的情境,讓觀眾能感而受之,因而融入劇情故事中。最後再歸納出燈光的細微用法以及經由實際創作和理論相互印證,並提出建議。


Lighting plays an important role in both traditional movie and computer animation fields. The variation of light intensity and its resulted illumination/shadow not only displays the spatial relation but also tells the atmosphere in the scene. It also uses different ways of expression such as color control, lighting direction, the intensity of the lighting etc. to avoid the image from being plain and dull. Instead, the ways of expression make it dramatic.
Processing lighting in Computer Animation is different from processing lighting in reality. Not only are the perspective of techniques and the requirements of the hardware to be considered, the desired level of reality causes the lighting in computer animation to be a difficult task. My work focuses on the lighting in 3D computer animations for creating the necessary atmosphere to make the story more dramatic in order to convey the feelings to the audience, and make them a part of the story.
The subtle usage of lighting is summarized and implemented in my creative work. In the end, some suggestions are proposed.
