
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 以放大片段長度多型性分析法及脈場膠體電泳法進行1992-1998年間台灣地區腸炎沙門氏菌感染案件之分子分型研究
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Molecular Subtyping of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis Isolated from Taiwan during 1992-1998 by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism and Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
作者 蔡宗佑駱瑋蓁陳光爐潘子明
頁次 54-61
關鍵字 Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis放大片段長度多行性分析法(AFLP)脈場膠體電泳法(PFGE)amplified fragment length polymorphism pulsed-field gel electrophoresisMEDLINEScopusSCIE
出刊日期 200603


近年來歐美、日本及台灣地區因腸炎沙門氏菌(Salmonella entericaserovar Enteritidis)所引起之食物中毒案件均急遽增加。本研究收集自1992年至1998年間28株分離自台灣地區散發性感染急性腸胃炎下痢症及集體食品中毒案件所得之腸炎沙門氏菌,以放大片段長度多行性分析法(amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP)與脈場膠體電泳法(pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, PFGE)進行分子分型之分析;放大片段長度多型性分析法部分以MseI+C/EcoRI+0及MseI+G/PstI+C兩對引子對進行分析,脈場膠體電泳則以AvrII限制?進行分析。放大片段長度多型性分析法可獲得53~59個多型性片段,脈場膠體電泳分析則有7個多型性圖譜;交叉比對放大片段長度多型性分析法與脈場膠體電泳法之數據後顯示,1992年兩宗自菲律賓境外移入之感染菌株與1992年台北縣食品中毒所分離之菌株,基因型具有高度親源性;發生在1995與1996年間北部地區之感染為相同之感染源;其餘分離菌株間,基因型因地緣性之關係亦具有高相關性。放大片段長度多型性分析法與脈場膠體電泳法具有快速、準確之分析效果,可提供流行病學分析並追查病原來源之佐證。


Over the past 10 years, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis has emerged as a new serovar and a frequent cause of food-borne diseases in Taiwan. We used two molecular subtyping methods to investigate the development of the infections by S. enterica Enteritidis in Taiwan. Twenty-eight strains of S. enterica Enteritidis isolated from Taiwan during the period of 1992 to 1998 were collected. The primer pairs, MseI+C/EcoRI+0 and MseI+G/PstI+C, were used in amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses, and the restriction enzyme, AvrII, was used in pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Twenty-two AFLP profiles with 53~59 fragments in each profile were found by using the primer pair, MseI+G/PstI+C. In the PFGE analysis, 7 PFGE types were identified. Some of the collected strains, especially the imported strains, had closer relationships with the SE 02 strain isolated from Taipei County. As our results indicate, AFLP analysis was time-saving, easy to perform, and highly discriminative. In this study, AFLP and PFGE were used to analyze the S. enterica Enteritidis isolated from patients in Taiwan. These results provide the epidemiological distribution of these isolated strains and additional evidence to illustrate the sources of the food-borne pathogens.

