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篇名 Brain Metastasis from Small Cell Cervical Carcinoma with Long-Term Survival--A Case Report
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 子宮頸小細胞癌併腦部移轉:一個長期存活之病例報告
作者 陳一瑋王令瑋余堅忍潘競成吳秀美劉仁賢顏上惠
頁次 105-111
關鍵字 子宮頸腫瘤小細胞癌腦部移轉放射治療加馬刀放射手術Cervical neoplasmSmall cell carcinomaBrain metastasisRadiotherapyGamma knife radiosurgeryTSCI
出刊日期 200406


子宮頸小細胞癌係屬子宮頸之罕見惡性腫瘤,佔所有子宮頸惡性腫瘤之比例為0.5-5%,其細胞最主要之表現特徵為高度侵犯性,及易遠端移轉,故其有較差之預後及高於一般子宮頸癌之比例會有腦部移轉的可能性。我們報告一子宮頸小細胞癌的病例(原始期別FIGO stage: Ib),在經過一般傳統子宮根除手術及輔助性化學治療後,於三年後在腦部(左頂-枕葉交界處)首度發現單一移轉性病灶,並無局部復發及他處轉移。病人首先接受開顱手術摘除轉移病灶,再依根治性治療劑量給予術後全腦放射線治療46 Gy,23次治療,並加強局部照射至總劑量為56 Gy。兩年後,診斷另有兩個位於左側腦室枕角區之新病灶,由於病灶體積較小(總體積8 cm3),病人改採用加馬刀之放射手術治療方式,於局部給予16.5 Gy(取55%之等效劑量區涵蓋)。治療後局部控制良好。病人從最初診斷治療至今,存活歷經九年時間,對於高度侵犯性及預後不佳之小細胞癌,實屬罕見,證明單一腦部移轉之病人,在原發病灶控制穩定,且沒有其他部位移轉的情況下,即使腫瘤型態惡性度高,都應給予病人積極性的治療,對於其局部控制及整體存活期上可有較明顯之改善。


Small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix is a rare type of malignant tumor. It is characterized by its aggressive behaviors and potentially high metastatic rate. Herein, we present a 49-year-old female who was a victim of small cell cervical carcinoma with FIGO stage Ib. She initially underwent a radical surgery for tumor removal. Six courses of adjuvant chemotherapy were given thereafter with etoposide and cisplatin. Three years later, a solitary brain metastasis in the left parieto-occipital area was noted in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study. Craniotomy with metastatic tumor removal was performed. Post-operative whole brain radiotherapy with 46 Gy/23 fractions and a boost of 10 Gy/ 5 fractions to tumor bed were delivered. However, two small recurrent lesions were found in the left occipital horn of the periventricular regions 25 months later. Due to small tumor volumes (total 8 cm3), the new lesion sites were treated by Gamma knife radiosurgery with 16.5 Gy. The follow-up brain MRI disclosed tumor regression but some necrotic change were also noted around the re-irradiated area. She was then put on steroid and symptomatic treatment. By now, she has been alive with no local recurrence or other systemic disease. We think aggressive treatment for solitary brain metastasis from small cell cervical carcinoma can achieve long-term survival.
