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篇名 臺灣東部地區市售即食魚貝類食品李斯特菌污染之調查
卷期 20
並列篇名 Investigation on L. monocytogenes Contamination in Ready-to-Eat Fishery Products in Eastern Taiwan
作者 胡仲勳徐錦豐郭荔平
頁次 284-288
關鍵字 即食魚貝類食品李斯特菌Ready-to-eat fishery productsL. monocytogenesTSCI
出刊日期 200209


為瞭解東部地區市售即食魚貝類食品受李斯特菌污染之情形,于民國九十年五月至十月在中間委請宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、及台東縣三縣之衛生局採樣,檢體包括生魚片、魚卵、生蠔、鹹蜆、熟章、熟小卷、涼拌海蜇皮及生蝦仁等八類,共計73 件。依本署公告方法進行李斯特菌檢驗,結果陽性者有生魚片4 件;熟章2 件;魚卵與熟小卷各1 件,共計8件,總檢出率為11.0%。依季節別:夏季檢出6 件(16.2%)比非夏季2 件(5.6%)高。血清型為O1 型者有3 件; O4 型者有5 件。以上8 件檢體均已函請地方衛生局依法處辦。本調查亦檢驗腸炎弧菌,結果均為陰性。建議消費者在挑選即食魚貝類食品時,應注意食品之新鮮度,以及販售場所中從業人員及環境的清潔衛生。


In order to understand the incidence of L. monocytogenes in ready-to-east fishery products, a total of 73 samples including sashimi, cooked fish oval, raw oyster, salted freshwater clam, cooked octopus, cooked tiny squid, cruisined jellyfish, and raw shrimp meat were sampled by Ilan, Hualien and Taitung county sanitary bureaus from markets during May to October 2001. These samples were analyzed by using the 『Methods of test for food microbiology—test of L. monocytogenes』 as promulgated by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan of R.O.C., in 2001. The results showed that 8 samples (11.0%) of ready-to-eat fishery products, including 4 samples (5.5%) of sashimi, 2 samples (2.7%) of cooked octopus, 1 sample (1.4%) of cooked fish oval, and 1 sample (1.4%) of cooked tiny squid were found with L. monocytogenes. It was worth noticing that the incidence rate of sashimi was higher than the other kinds of fishery products. On the other hand, the incidence rate of read-to-eat fishery products sampled in summer (16.2%) was higher than in other seasons (5.6%). V. parahaemolyticus was also examined in the investigation, none of the samples were found contaminated by it.

