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篇名 九十年度國產及進口香菸中尼古丁及焦油含量調查
卷期 20
並列篇名 Survey of Nicotine and Tar Yields in Domestic and Imported Cigarette Samples in Fiscal Year 90
作者 李婉媜許哲綸邱雅琦張碧秋周薰修
頁次 238-247
關鍵字 香菸尼古丁焦油CigaretteNicotineTarTSCI
出刊日期 200209


為落實菸害防制工作,維護國民健康,於民國90 年1月至12 月間進行市售香菸之抽樣,檢體包括12 種國產香菸及27 種進口香菸,總計234 件,依據行政院衛生署公告之「香菸中尼古丁及焦油含量之檢測方法」分析香菸中尼古丁及焦油含量。12 種國產香菸之尼古丁含量平均值為1.03 mg/支,焦油含量平均值為11.7 mg/支;27 種進口香菸之尼古丁含量平均值為0.84 mg/支,焦油含量平均值為10.3 mg/支。結果均未發現國產及進口香菸之尼古丁及焦油含量超過我國最高含量標準者。


For executing the tobacco hazard control and protecting the public health,, 234
samples consisting 12 domestic and 27 imported brands of cigarette were purchased and
analyzed with "Method of test for nicotine and tar in cigarettes" as promulgated by the
Department of Health, Executive Yuan of R.O.C from January to December 2001. The nicotine
and tar yields of the 12 domestic cigarette brands averaged 1.03 mg/cig and 11.7 mg/cig,
while those of the 27 imported cigarette brands averaged 0.84 mg/cig and 10.3 mg/cig,
respectively. The nicotine and tar yields of all the samples were in compliance with the maximum limits set by the Department of Health.

