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篇名 市售羊乳產品中摻加牛乳之調查
卷期 20
並列篇名 Investigation on Adulteration of Marketed Goat Milk Products
作者 蕭惠文蔡佳芬潘志寬周薰修
頁次 230-237
關鍵字 羊乳電泳α?[feb5]-酪蛋白Goat milkElectrophoresisα?[feb5]-caseinTSCI
出刊日期 200209


羊乳產品日漸風行,為保障民眾消費之權益,由各縣市衛生局先進行市售羊乳製品(包括鮮羊乳、調味羊乳、羊奶粉及羊乳片等)之標示檢查計377 件,再對未標示牛乳成分之288 件產品中抽樣74 件,由本局以中國國家標準膠體電泳方法及本局89 年度建立之毛細管電泳方法分別進行檢驗,以檢出牛乳之αs1-酪蛋白判定摻偽,其檢出靈敏度以羊乳中牛乳之含量計分別為1%及2%。檢驗結果,74 件檢體中檢出牛乳成分者共12 件,檢出率16.2%,其中包括16 件鮮羊乳檢出1 件,檢出率6.3%,25 件調味羊乳檢出2 件,檢出率8.0%,25 件羊奶粉檢出5件,檢出率20%,8 件羊乳片檢出4 件,檢出率50%。二種檢驗方法均顯示相同的檢驗結果。羊乳產品添加牛乳成分而未標示,係違反食品衛生管理法有關標示之規定,違規產品均已函請各縣市衛生局依法處辦。本調查係本局之比較檢驗,曾於九十年十月二十六日發布新聞在案。


According to the market inspection conducted by local health bureau in Taiwan, there were 288 out of 377 goat milk products of various kinds, of those the labels did not show cow milk being incorporated as one of the ingredients. Among them, 74 products were sampled for testing whether cow milk was adulterated. CNS N6304 urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis assay and capillary electrophoresis assay developed by NLFD were employed for each sample. The detection limits of each method were 1% and 2%, respectively. Twelve samples were found being adulterated with cow milk. The number of samples in different types of goat milk products found with adulteration were as following: 1 of 16 UHT sterilized goat milk products; 2 of 25 flavored goat milk products, 5 of 25 goat milk powder and 4 of 8 goat milk tablets.

