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篇名 中部地區生菜沙拉中大腸桿菌O157及沙門氏桿菌之調查
卷期 21
並列篇名 Investigation on Escherichia Coli O157 and Salmonella Spp. in Salad Vegetables in Central District of Taiwan
作者 張洳楣管麗珍陳泰華
頁次 329-338
關鍵字 生菜沙拉大腸桿菌O157沙門氏桿菌Salad vegetablesEscherichia coli O157Salmonella spp.TSCI
出刊日期 200308


近年來在國際間如美國、加拿大、日本等國曾發生多起因食用生菜而引起大腸桿菌O157 及沙門氏桿菌大規模食品中毒,甚至死亡的事件。加入WTO 後國外的生鮮蔬菜將大量流入市面,為恐國內亦潛伏類似食品中毒危機,故本調查研究自九十一年三月至六月及八至十一月分二期,由中部地方衛生局於轄區之超級市場、便利商店、速食店(含早餐店)、餐廳、素食店、牛排館、生機飲食店及日本料理店等場所抽樣包括綜合生菜沙拉類26 件、萵苣及美生菜類18件、紫高麗菜類11 件、苜蓿芽及豆芽菜類11 件、瓜菜及根菜類20件及其他生菜類19 件,總計105 件檢體,送本局中部檢驗站檢驗大腸桿菌O157 及沙門氏桿菌,其檢驗方法係分別依據行政院衛生署87.09.04 衛署食字第87049939 號及行政院衛生署90.01.09 衛署食字第0900002652 號公告指定之方法,結果顯示:105 件生菜沙拉均未污染大腸桿菌O157 及沙門氏桿菌。本調查係本局之比較檢驗,曾於九十二年一月三十日發布新聞在案。


Several outbreaks of human gastroenteritis were linked to the consumption of salad vegetables contaminated by Escherichia coli O157 and Salmonella in the United States, Canada and Japan. For the public health protection, the objective of this investigation was aimed to survey E. coli O157 and Salmonella in salad vegetables in Taiwan. From March to November 2002, 105 samples including mixed salad vegetables, lettuce, cabbage, alfalfa sprouts were purchased from supermarkets, fast food stores, restaurants, organic food stores and Japanese restaurants in central district of Taiwan. All samples were analyzed by the test methods of food microbiology promulgated by the Department of Health (DOH). The results showed no E. coli O157 and Salmonella were identified from the 105 salad vegetables samples.

