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篇名 市售嬰幼兒輔助食品之衛生調查
卷期 21
並列篇名 Survey on the Contaminated Microflora of Retail Baby Foods in Taiwan Area
作者 王鳳英傅幼敏施養志
頁次 325-328
關鍵字 嬰幼兒輔助食品食品衛生品質Baby supplemental foodsQuality of food safetyTSCI
出刊日期 200308


自民國九十一年一月一日至七月三十一日於台北地區抽驗50 件市售嬰幼兒輔助食品之衛生品質,結果24 件玻璃瓶裝罐頭食品之保溫試驗及異物檢查均與規定相符;11 件粉狀之榖類嬰幼兒輔助食品中有8 件(72.7﹪)含生菌數,菌數量均小於1000 CFU/g,其中有3件(27.3﹪)仙人掌桿菌陽性,菌數均小於100 CFU/g;11 件餅乾類之嬰幼兒輔助食品中有10 件(90.9﹪)含生菌數,菌數均在1000CFU/g 以下,其中1 件仙人掌桿菌陽性(9.1﹪),菌數在小於100CFU/g,大腸桿菌及大腸桿菌群均為陰性。有2 件塑膠瓶裝果汁及2件粉狀之葡萄糖,其生菌數、大腸桿菌群、大腸桿菌及仙人掌桿菌均為陰性。本文進行市售嬰幼兒輔助食品之衛生調查,結果50 件各類嬰幼兒輔助食品,均與規定相符。


A total of fifty samples of retail baby foods were purchased from January to July 2002 in Taiwan area. The 50 samples included 24 baby can products, 11 baby cereal powder products, 11 cookies products, 2 glucose products, and 2 plastic types of bottled juice. 24 baby can products were examined for the incubation test and extraneous materials by using the Chinese National Standard method. All the other samples were examined for the presence of Bacillus cereus, coliform, Escherichia coli, total plate count by using the Chinese National Standard method. The results showed 24 baby can products met the Food Sanitary Standards regulation request set by the Department of Health. 8(72.7﹪)of 11 baby cereal powder products contained total bacterial count within 1000 CFU/g, but 3(27.3﹪)of them contained Bacillus cereus within 100 CFU/g, coliform was absent from all of them. 10(90.9﹪)of baby cookies products contained total bacterial count within 1000 CFU/g, but 1(9.1﹪)of them contained Bacillus cereus within 100 CFU/g, coliform was absent from all of them. Regarding the examined results, all the samples met the Food Sanitary Standards regulation request set by the Department of Health.

