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篇名 即食品肉製品李斯特菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、大腸桿菌及大腸桿菌群之檢驗
卷期 21
並列篇名 Investigation on Listeria Monocytogenes, Staphylococcus Aureus, Escherichia Coli and Coliforms in Marketed Ready-to-eat meats
作者 郭荔平黃翠萍賴韻如王貞懿施養志
頁次 315-324
關鍵字 即食肉製品李斯特菌金黃色葡萄球菌大腸桿菌大腸桿菌群Listeria monocytogenesStaphylococcus aureusEscherichia coliColiformsMarketed ready-to-eat meatsTSCI
出刊日期 200308


九十一年度由台灣省各縣市(政府)衛生局每月抽送蔬果檢體5 件,分別送至本局及中、南、東各檢驗站,依行政院衛生署公告食品中殘留農藥檢驗方法-多重殘留分析法,進行79 種農藥項目的檢驗。全省共抽驗1269 件蔬果檢體,其中檢出不符規定者10 件,佔0.8%。1035 件蔬菜檢體中,不符規定者9 件,佔0.9%,其中有機蔬菜11 件,有1 件檢出農藥殘留,但檢出量在殘留農藥安全容許量之內;234 件水果檢體中,不符規定者1 件,佔0.4%。10 件不符規定蔬果檢體之原因分析,因超過容許量而不合格者有4 件,規定不得檢出而檢出者有6 件;對檢出不符規定者,地方衛生機關均已依食品衛生管理法處辦。


Eighty five samples of marketed ready-to-eat meats, including 45 samples of hams, 8 samples of hot dogs, 12 samples of spiced meats, 13 samples of dried meats, and 7 samples of other meats were collected from northern Taiwan from April to June 2000. These samples were examined for foodborne pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus) and sanitary indicator bacteria (Escherichia coli and coliforms).The results showed that 13 samples were contaminated with coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus; staphylococcal entertoxins was also detected in two of these 13 samples with counts at 3.6 MPN/g. Among these two samples one was also contaminated with E.coli, with counts at 6.1 MPN/g. Nevertheless, none of these 85 samples was found to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.

