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篇名 市售澤蘭類藥材之鑑別
卷期 23
並列篇名 Studies on Adulteration and Misusage of Lycopi Herba in Taiwan Market
作者 張憲昌溫彩玉林哲輝
頁次 93-113
關鍵字 澤蘭佩蘭鑑別Lycopus iucidus var. hirtusEupatorium fortuneiIdentifiedTSCI
出刊日期 200509


澤蘭(Lycopi Herba)始載於《神農本草經》,列為中品。其基原為唇形科(Labiatae)植物毛葉地瓜兒苗Turczaninow var.Regel 或地瓜兒苗Turczaninow 的乾燥莖葉,具有活血化瘀、利尿、消腫等功效。主治月經不調、產後瘀血腹痛、水腫、跌打損傷、瘡瘍腫痛等症狀。歷代以來澤蘭常與佩蘭相互混淆,佩蘭原名蘭草,始載於《神農本草經》中列為上品,至《本草綱目》始分澤蘭與蘭草為一類二種。蘭草自《本草從新》後乃稱佩蘭,為菊科(Compositae)植物佩蘭Turcz.的乾燥全草。據文獻報告澤蘭藥材尚有使用菊科植物單葉佩蘭Thunb.、台灣澤蘭(山澤蘭) Hay.、華澤蘭Eupatoriumchinense L.、田代氏澤蘭Eupatorium tashiroi Hay.、島田氏澤蘭(Wall. ex. DC.) Sch. Bip.﹝Kitam.﹞等植物充當澤蘭藥材來使用,藥材使用頗為混亂。有鑑於此,本研究為了解台灣對於澤蘭類藥材之使用情形,搜集六種對照藥材由生藥組織學之鑑別及理化鑑別方法予以探討。以採逢機取樣方式價購北、中、南三地區中藥材店所售之澤蘭共54 件檢體,由性狀特徵、組織鏡檢、及理化法鑑定其基原並與對照藥材及文獻比對。鑑定結果,1 件為正確基原,53 件為菊科澤蘭屬( .)之偽品佔98.1%,其中8 件為單葉佩蘭( ) 佔14.8%,45 件為單葉佩蘭混有澤蘭屬植物之藥材佔83.3%,市售藥材誤用情形頗為嚴重,宜應導正使用正確藥材。本研究建立澤蘭類藥材之鑑別方法可供為用藥之參考,以利使用正確藥材。


Bai-Dou-Kou(白豆蔻)、Tsao-Dou-Kou(草豆蔻)and Rou-Dou-Kou(肉豆蔻) had the same Chinese name ”Dou-Kou(豆蔻) ” in ancient reports but their origins were different. Bai-Dou- Kou is the driedmature fruit of Amomum kravanh Pierre ex Gagnep. or Amomum compactum Soland ex Maton;Tsao-Dou-Kou is the lump of dried mature seeds of Alpinia katsumadai Hayata;Rou- Dou-Kou is the aril and peeled seed of Myristica fragran Houtt.. Those three kinds of Dou-Kou are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicines. However, Dou-Kou may be adulterated with each other because of the similar names. In order to clarify the origins of commercial Dou-Kou raw materials in Taiwan market, we collected six reference materials including Amomum kravanh Pierre ex Gagnep. (白豆蔻)、Alpinia katsumadai Hayata(草豆蔻)、Myristica fragran Houtt. (肉豆蔻)、Alpinia galanga(L.)Willd. (紅豆蔻)、Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lemaire (草果) and Alpinia japonica (Thunb.) Miq (山薑) for study. The fifty samples of each of the above three kinds of Dou- Kou raw materials were purchased from Chinese herbal stores in Taipei, Taichung and Kaoshiung areas and compared with the references by pharmacognosical studies and chemical identification. The result showed that Dou-Kou could be differentiated with each other from pericarps 、crystal form、stone cell and the TLC patterns. In this investigation, all of Bai-Dou-Kou samples were identified as Amomum kravanh Pirre ex Gagnep. Among fifty samples of Rou-Dou-Kou, forty-night samples were Myristica fragran Houtt. and the rest was Alpinia katsumadai Hayata. Among fifty samples of Tsao-Dou-Kou, fortyfive samples were Alpinia katsumadai Hayata., four samples were Amomum tsao-ko Crevost et Lemaire and one was Myristica fragran Houtt. It showed that Tsao-Dou-Kou and Rou-Dou-Kou were still present in the adulteration and misusage phenomenon in the market except Bai-Dou-Kou.

